Your support matters. Consider making a tax-deductible donation, volunteering your time, or sporting our swag to help us grow. every bit counts & is much appreciated!
Volunteer at SBCS,来SBCS当志愿者吧!
Interested in Chinese language and culture? Need volunteer hours or internship credit? Simply want to speak Chinese while you network and part-time? Become an advocate for our language and culture classes! All volunteers own their respective projects and gain valuable, practical, real-world experience.如果您对中国语言和文化感兴趣,或是想获得更多的志愿者服务小时和实习学分,还是单纯的想在社交或兼职时用中文聊天,成为我们SBCS的语言与文化课程的倡导者将是您的不二之选!我们的所有志愿者们都有属于自己的项目,他们往往能从中收获宝贵、真实且独一无二的经验!
Opportunities include - and definitely not limited to - the following roles 这些机会包括但不限于以下角色:
Teacher’s / Classroom Assistant (based in Santa Barbara, CA) 教师/课堂助理(位于加州圣巴巴拉)
Fundraising and Events Coordinator (based in Santa Barbara, CA) 筹款与活动协调员 (位于加州圣巴巴拉)
Chinese language buddy and/or mentor (based in Santa Barbara, CA) 汉语伙伴或导师 (位于加州圣巴巴拉)
Social Media & Public Relations (remote) 社交媒体 & 公共关系(远程)
Webmaster & Website Designer (remote) 网站管理员 & 网站设计师 (远程)
Operations and Administrative Support (remote) 运营与行政支持 (远程)
Grant writer (remote) 赞助作者 (远程)
**All SBCS Teachers, Staff, and Volunteers are mandated to complete our online Training & Certification, in addition to attending an in-person training at the beginning of each term.
Sport our SWAG!!
prefer to contribute financially to our cause? we accept donations in the following ways:
Mail check to: PO BOX 6194, Santa Barbara, CA 93160-6194
Payable to “Santa Barbara Chinese School”
2. Donate via Venmo @SBChineseschool-SantaBarbara
3. Donate via Credit/Debit Card, Google/Apple pay, or bank transfer using zeffy. (Note: Since zeffy does not charge transaction fees, they will suggest making a %-based donation to them upon check-out. You have the option to remove or edit that donation amount.)