we offer both formal weekend classes and informal Chinese club gatherings that cater to the needs of our students and their families throughout the school year.

Our weekend classes currently include the following options:

  1. Introduction to Mandarin 国语入门课 [AKA Words & Phrases Level 单词和短语阶段]: 9am - 10:25am Saturdays at Chinese Church & 10:30am - 11:55am Sundays at UCSB. These introductory classes are designed for children (preschool and up, must be potty-trained) with little or no prior background in Mandarin Chinese, who generally do not have a chance to speak/hear Mandarin at home. The focus of these classes is to cultivate interest in learning the Chinese language through cultural activities, song, storytime, and play. Some English may be used in the process of translating commonly used vocabulary and phrases. 零起点课程针对无中文基础的幼儿和学龄期儿童,旨在弥补没有中文家庭语言环境的困境。该级汉语课程本着学以致用,寓教于乐的原则,以现实生活中的各种话题为基础,采用儿歌,民间故事,游戏等方式,循序渐进地培养学生对中文和中国文化的兴趣。我们致力于让学生在愉快地学习的同时,高效地掌握中文知识,并将其运用到实际生活中。

  2. Intermediate Entry Level with Pledge to Speak Only Mandarin 中级入门班 全程汉语 [AKA Sentences Level 句子阶段]: 1:00pm - 2:25pm at UCSB. This class is open to TK and elementary school students who have some basic knowledge of Mandarin already under their belt, either from exposure at home or from previous Chinese lessons. As we continue to cultivate interest in Chinese language learning, we focus on how it applies to our daily lives. Class time will emphasize speaking and reading, while chaining together full complete sentences. The use of English instruction will be gradually phased out. Chinese language learning resources and homework are assigned in these sessions. 本课程为有中文基础知识的幼儿园和小学学生而设立,他们可能在家中习得中文或曾参加过中文课程。我们除了继续培养学生对中文学习的兴趣,还注重如何将中文应用于日常生活中。课堂着重口语和阅读练习,学习表达完整的句子。老师将逐步减少使用英语作为媒介语辅助教学。本课程有指定的教学资源和课业。

  3. Intermediate Mandarin with Pledge to Speak Only Mandarin in Class 中级班 全程汉语 [AKA Conversationalist Level 能说会道阶段]: 1:00pm - 2:25pm at UCSB. This series is designed for elementary school students who actively speak Mandarin at home and can read and write some basic sentences in Chinese. Therefore, class is conducted 100% in Mandarin. The focus of these classes is to fine-tune reading, writing, and speaking skills while zooming in on various aspects of Chinese culture through text and activities. Students here are looking to deepen their existing knowledge of Mandarin for improved fluency. Idioms and more sophisticated features of the Chinese language will be introduced into the materials learned. Chinese language learning resources and homework are assigned in these sessions. 本系列适合在家积极使用普通话交流,并能读、写简单中文句子的小学生。教学全程使用普通话,全面训练学员们的听、说、读、写能力,并通过文本学习、课堂活动等,融入中华文化元素。通过学习,学员们可以提高汉语水平,做到表达流畅。本阶段的教学材料涉及成语等略有难度的汉语表达。课程还将发布汉语学习资源,布置家庭作业

  4. Advanced Mandarin for the Proficient 高级班 全程汉语 [AKA Literati Level 文人阶段]: 2:30pm - 3:55pm at UCSB. This class - often catered to middle-school to high-school students - is more textbook and workbook-heavy, utilizing materials and digital applications from Ma Li Ping’s advanced Chinese learning suite. Chinese classical literature, poetry, and more sophisticated popularly referenced materials are studied in class. Students at this level are encouraged to read between the lines, think critically, understand basic Chinese cultural nuances, and put their Mandarin to practice as occasional tutors for our zero beginners during Chinese Club gatherings. 高级班将使用马立平四年级作为教材。在这一阶段,以中国传统的“直接认字法”为主要手段,以孩子们喜闻乐见的历史小故事为载体,通过高频复现的方法培养语感。课程原则是认字领先,阅读跟上,直接认字,多认少写。我们鼓励这个级别的学生读懂字中的含意,进行批判性思考,理解基本的中国文化差异,并偶尔在中文俱乐部担任初级学者的辅导。

FALL 2024 session: SEPTEMBER 7 - December 15!

To maximize learning capacity, our classes catered to younger children (beginning-intermediate) are offered on Saturday & Sunday mornings between 9 am and noon, in 1.5-hour stretches. Intermediate & Advanced level classes are currently offered on Sunday afternoons. 为了把握好年龄较小学生的最佳学习时间段,我们设的的周末课程都安排在上午 9:00 至中午之间,每节课持续 1.5 小时。中级和高级课程目前设在周日下午开课。

Weekend classes are usually held at the Chinese Church in Upper State or on UCSB campus. Students will be given the specific classroom site upon enrollment. 周末课程通常在华人教会或UCSB校园上课。学生报名时会获知具体教室地点。

These weekend classes may be adjusted each term according to student enrollment. 若有必要,周末课的时间及地点有可能会根据学生报名情况受到调整。


  • TUITION 学费: $30 per class for 13 sessions, paid in full during enrollment periods: August & January each year. Pay-per-visit rate is $35 each time for those who join part-way through the term. 每节课 30 美元,共 13 节,报名期间全额付款。对于在学期中途加入的学生,每次付费费率为 35 美元。

  • DISCOUNTS 折扣机会:

    • We offer 15% off tuition (~$25 per class for 13 sessions) to parents who sign up to volunteer for at least 1 activity or project per term. Volunteer opportunities include: holiday prep & event coordination, hosting activity tables, assisting teachers in large classes, chaperoning on field trips, event coordination, etc. A Parent Volunteer Sign-up Sheet will be provided during registration. 每学期至少报名参加 1 项活动或项目的家长可在学费上享受八五折(每节课约 25 美元)。志愿者机会包括:中国节日庆祝准备和活动协调、主持活动、课上协助教师、陪同实地考察、活动协调等。学生注册时将提供志愿者報名表。

    • Free trial class is available to 1st time participants of SBCS. Please apply here & print out your application to attend your first class free. 首次参加 SBCS 的学员可免费试听课程。请在此处申请并打印申请表,即可免费试听第一堂课。

    • Siblings automatically receive a 10% discount. 同时在SBCS选课的兄弟姐妹自动获得 10% 折扣。

  • New students who have prior Chinese-speaking experience are encouraged to try out multiple classes during the first weekend of classes so they can be placed into the appropriate level. 我们鼓励具有汉语学习经验的新生在开课的第一个周末试听多节课,以便安排到合适的级别。

  • Consistent attendance is mandatory and necessary for students to maintain progress. Attendance is a strong consideration when placing students for the next school year. Students/families must notify in advance of any class that will be missed. Absences are at the discretion of the students and their respective family members. Missed classes are non-refundable. 持续出勤是学生保持进步的必要条件。出勤率是安排学生进入下一学年的重要考虑因素。学生/家长必须提前通知缺课情况。缺课由学生及其各自的家庭成员自行决定。缺课不予退款。

  • In the event that a suitable class isn’t available, parents are welcome to rally at least 4 students to form a class and request for private sessions. 若没有合适的班级,欢迎家长召集至少4名学生组成一个班级,并申请私人课程

  • Students must be potty trained and have basic communication skills in order to attend our in-person weekend classes. Our youngest students tend to be at least 4 years of age. 学生必须如厕并具备基本的沟通技巧才能参加我们的线下课程。我们最小的学生通常至少 4 岁。

  • REFUND POLICY 退款政策: Withdrawals prior to the start of class can be refunded, less a $50 administrative fee to cover the cost of registration services. Out of consideration for those who have committed to showing up 100% of the time, withdrawals, sick leave, and other missed classes after registration closes are not refundable. 开课前退学可退款,但需扣除 50 美元的管理费以支付注册服务费用。于对已承诺全程出席的学生及教师的考虑,注册结束后的退课、病假和其他错过的课程费用均不予退款。

Please reference our 2024-2025 school year calendar to plan accordingly. Thank you!

Cultural enrichment classes

SBCS also offers Chinese Cultural Classes as part of the in-person program. Course offerings vary in topic and change from season to season. Please subscribe to our newsletter for updates and offerings each term, as well as instructions for enrollment. SBCS 还提供中国文化课程。课程主题各异,且随季节变化。请订阅我们的时事通讯,了解每学期的更新和课程安排,以及报名说明。

  • Children’s Choir 儿童合唱团

    Join our Music Director to learn and perform popular Chinese songs! Every year, Childrens’ choir will perform at various venues, including Lunar New Year Festival. Please contact 林老师 Miss Chloe for details.

  • Chinese Folk Dance 中国民族舞蹈

    Learn folk and contemporary Chinese dance, taught completely in Mandarin Chinese! Students have the option to perform on stage at the Annual Lunar New Year Festival and/or the World Dance Competition in Los Angeles. Please contact 楠楠老师 Miss Sun Nan for details.

  • Chinese Brush Painting 国画 (TBD)

  • Chinese Calligraphy 书法 (TBD)

  • Chinese Chess, Go, and Chinese Checkers 象棋,围棋,跳棋 (TBD)


…News on Chinese holiday events, Summer Camp 2025, study abroad opportunities, etc! Subscribe to our newsletter for updates. And while you’re at it, tell us what works for you in the coming academic year 2024-2025 via our Planning Survey. 近期将为您带来更多资讯,包括中华传统节庆活动、2025年暑期精品夏令营、海外游学项目等!想第一时间获取最新消息?赶快订阅我们的电子邮件吧!另外,2024-2025学年即将来临,我们诚挚邀请您填写规划问卷,告诉我们您的需求和期望,让我们为您量身定制最佳方案。